“Sheena Pyeto Pyeto , Maama Iytto Iytto ”

“O Snow keep Falling and Let my Mother’s brother Visit us . ”

Mother’s brother is known as MAMA in this subcontinent . Mama has a very important role in upbringing of the children of his sister . Not always does he financially support their upbringing but yes the emotional chord of the children with their Mama is so strong that sometimes it outflows the father’s role . This applies to kashmiris as well. You have a marriage , birth , happiness or any gloom in the family , Mama is there to stand and  offer more than his share of support.

Crushed under the burden of poverty coupled with joint family system that existed in Kashmir , every women would send her children to her parental house for a change . She had no time to attend to them  for she was never free from the daily chores .Mama was the person who was there to take care of children's  fancies . He would bring new clothes , take them to the bazar  and give them  time and attention to cheer them  up . I remember most of the children telling their mothers in olden days :
“Maam kar Iyee . Me Chhu Matammal Gachhun ”
“When is Mama coming ? I have to go to his house .”
Mama’s mention lies in Kashmiri folk songs as well . The mother sings lullaby to the infant saying

“Maam Laal Oai Tai Diyiyo Dilaaas , Paartho Gilaas Kulinai Tal ”
"Your Mama shall come and put courage in thee my sibbling. let me dress you up under a cherry tree "
When kashmiris Quarrel they say
“Tse Kyaa Maam Chhukhaa ”
“ Hey Shut up ! You are not my Mama ”
I also heard many Punjabis saying
"Tu Ki Mama Lagdhaa hai "
" Don't think yourself to be  my Mama  and take liberties "

 Noted kashmiri poet Dina nath Naadim  wrote
"Ghaam Peuth Yechkaaley Vothmut 
Treil Heith Zun Maam Hue 
Assi wattan Rut Ghaam Hue "

(As if Mama has come from the village after a long time ,
Bringing with him Treil ( Late autumn fruit of kashmir )
This country of ours is like a beautiful village .)

Mama would also come to his sister’s house bringing with him a bags full ofdry vegetables for the winter . That added to the respect and dignity of his sister in her inlaw’s house . Whenever Mama would come , for children it meant happiness and fun. Mama may not be there as prominently as he used to be in good olden days but the dry vegetables continue to be a part of kashmiri households . Dry Brinjal , Tomato , Gourd , Turnip, Vopal Haak ( Dry Leafy vegetable consumed by kashmiris in before the arrival of vegetables from plains  ) , Boombh ( Long green  grass like vegetable cooked with dry Fish ) and many other dry vegetables continue to be sold in plenty during winter season even when the fresh vegetable supply continues to pour in almost daily from plains . Kashmiri Pandits have also not abandoned them . Many shops in Jammu and Delhi sell this stuff .Enjoy latest  views of dry vegetables being sold in srinagar.I have seen even the younger generation enjoying the dry vegetables cooked in the family. The tradition has been beautifully carried down by our ladies   . Let it continue .