There has been an alarming increase in the number of drug addicts in the Kashmir Valley.
Observing that "this was a dangerous  trend", the doctors attending a  de-addiction centre organized by the Police  Control Room Srinagar, said the number  of addicts, including those who consume alcohol, had increased manifold.
Consultant Clinical Psychology PCR Dr Muzaffar Khan said youth are taking to drugs for various reasons and later become addicts."The youth in the age-group of- 18-35 are using various forms of drugs to satisfy their needs. Of late, the youth have taken to alcohol, said Khan.
Khan said youth in the schools use correction fluid in the initial stage which, if not checked, later takes dangerous proportions. They sprinkle the fluid on handkerchief to sniff it and then start
using other drugs, he said. He said since there was lack of proper treatment in various hospitals for addicts, these cases are referred to PCR  de-addiction centre. We have so far admitted 250 patients in the centre for the last three years, who have been duly treated. During this while, at least 3500 addicts visited the centre for treatment,  said Khan. Khan said the PCR has 10 beds as of now but the number is likely to increase in the near future. Many patients visit the PCR
Centre for treatment. We are not in a position to accommodate all of them. Other
hospitals also refer patients to us for  specialised treatment, said Khan. We have around 250 patients in the waiting list who will be treated as per their turn.
Qazi Parveez, DSP PCR, said the de-addiction centre was set up to make people aware of the ill-effects of drugs. We have got a good response from the patients and the parents accompanying
them, said Parveez.