NC legislator threatens to join peoples’ agitation

Sopore, Feb 6: Personnel of Special Operations Group (SOG) of  Police on Saturday night “forcibly occupied” Maternity and Childcare hospital in this north Kashmir town, evoking widespread resentment from the locals and officials of the Health Department. 
 Following the development the local MLA and the leader of the ruling National Conference Muhammad Ahsraf Ganie has threatened to join peoples’ movement if hospital is not vacated forthwith.    
 Staff members of the hospital told Greater Kashmir that three to four police trucks entered into the hospital last night and occupied District Tuberculosis Centre (DTC) and outdoor block of the Maternity and Childcare hospital. 
 “We were surprised when policemen carrying arms and baggage drove inside and occupied the portion of hospital and adjoining DTC without any order from administration and Health Department,” said, Block Medical Officer, Dr Fozia.
 She said that after SOG men arrived, patients and medical staff fled away.
 The Chief Medical Officer Baramulla, Dr Muhammad Shafi Saraf said that 12 rooms of Out Patient Department (OPD) and building of DTC have been occupied by the SOG men.
 “The OPD block comprises of examination rooms, ultrasonagraphy room, laboratory and more than 150 patients were examined in said block daily, besides 10-12 deliveries,” he said.
 According to them, “occupation” of the hospital has led to crisis in the town, as gynecological patients were being referred to LD hospital.
 The Health Department has closed hospital and shifted seven medicos including 2 gynecologists and 56 paramedics to sub district hospital this afternoon, as unrelenting policemen have refused to vacate the hospital despite persuasion by district administration and officials of the health department.
 The “forcible occupation” of hospital has annoyed the residents of Apple Town. People including the local legislator are demanding immediate evacuation of the hospital.  
 Member of the Legislative Assembly Sopore and leader of the ruling  National Conference Muhammad Ashraf Ganie said, “The occupation of the hospital will send a wrong signal to the people and will add to alienation. I am with my people and will join any agitation for getting the hospital evacuated. We will not allow them to turn hospital into a camp. I am  meeting the Chief Minister Omar Abdullah tomorrow for it,” he added.
 Talking to Greater Kashmir, Director Health Services Kashmir, Dr Muhammad Amin Wani, said that they have taken up the issue with state Government. “I have taken up issue with district and divisional administration and also informed both the ministers about the occupation of hospital,” he said.
 Minister of state for Health, Javaid Ahmed Dar said that he had directed Divisional Commissioner to look into matter. “I have taken up the matter with him after doctors apprised me,” he said.
 Pertinently, this is second time since the last year’s summer unrest  that armed forces have occupied buildings of Health Department in Sopore.
 Earlier, soldiers of 52 Rashtriya Rifles occupied building of Primary Health Centre in month of September last year.