This year Kashmir Valley is witnessing a huge tourist flow. People associated with the tourism sector seem to be heaving a sigh of relief with the hope that this year they would make up the loss they suffered during the three consecutive preceding seasons. Most of them believe that it’s too early to rejoice and be happy as the summer has just begun. There is no doubt about the fact that situation this year is much better than the previous years. Till date law enforcing agencies have exercised restraint and state government also doesn’t seem to be in any mood of giving any reason to separatists to start any kind of agitation.
Many people have started believing that this year would be different from the last three years so stage seems to be set for a good tourism season which government claims is the back bone of the state’s economy.
However, the propaganda launched by some people with vested interest about Kashmir being an “unsafe tourist destination” can definitely hit the tourism sector. Recently Chairman of the Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) Muhammad Yasin Malik had issued a statement assuring the tourists that Kashmir is the “safest tourist destination” and they are welcome. He termed rumors about Kashmir being unsafe as baseless. He had assured the tourists about their safety. Interestingly the Jammu and Kashmir Tourism Minister Nawang Rigzin Jora had seconded Malik and had appreciated him for giving such a bold statement. It was a rare occasion, a Minister praising a separatist.
Anyway those who are propagating that “Kashmir is not safe” seem to have forgotten that not a single tourist was harmed when Kashmir was simmering last year. People were angry but despite that they exercised restraint to prove it to the world that they are not violence mongers and they respect their guests even during the worst times.
A few tourists who visited Kashmir in 2008, 2009 and 2010 publicly announced that people of Kashmir are not to be blamed for the violence. Despite 112 youth falling to bullets of government forces last year not a single member of minority community was touched. The annual Amarnath Yatra passed off peacefully with thousands of devotees visiting the cave shrine in South Kashmir. One wonders how anyone can ignore such glaring facts.
New Delhi based news channels in 2010 aired many debates on Kashmir but all these channels made violence  a focal point. None of these channels bothered to highlight how tolerant and hospitable Kashmiris are. Ironically these channels claim that they are unbiased and believe in objectivity. It seems objectivity for them is only to report violence. One needs to ask them why they don’t report what Kashmiris are facing and how they treat their guests?
Scores of parliamentarians, social activists and others during all these years have frequently visited the residence of the Chairman of Hurriyat Conference (G) Syed Ali Shah Geelani, who is considered to be the hardliner, but till date he has never said `no' to meeting anyone who has visited him. He has welcomed everyone with open arms. Unfortunately such events do not get reported in national dailies or channels, but whenever Geelani calls for a strike or asks people to stage a protest it makes headlines and national media leaves no stone unturned to prove that he is “out to disturb peace and ruin the economy” of Kashmir.
One fails to understand why everyone wants to see Kashmir burning. It seems peace and calm in Kashmir doesn’t suit some people even in New Delhi. Why some people want Kashmir to simmer during the peak season is a million dollar question which only they can answer.
Kashmiris have time and again proved that they are peace loving people and don’t believe in violence but situation at times compels them to give vent to their anger.
Many national and international organizations in their reports have put it on record that Kashmir is one of the heaviest militarized zones in the world and people are living under the shadow of gun.
Despite thousands of force personnel being deployed across the length and breadth of the Valley some people still claim that Kashmir is an “unsafe place” for tourists. One needs to ask how can be one of the heaviest militarized zones be unsafe for tourists. Is Kashmir unsafe because thousands of force personnel are deployed here? Anyway government claims that force personnel are in the Valley for the security of people. If it is true then why this propaganda?
It seems this tirade against Kashmir has been launched to hit its economy as some people don’t want Kashmir to prosper. Tourism sector directly or indirectly helps business and economy to flourish and everyone gets benefited in some or other way. Had Kashmir not been dependent on Srinagar-Jammu highway, only road link connecting Kashmir Valley with the rest of the world, situation could have been different. Prior to 1947 Kashmir was not dependent on this highway. People from Central Asia and other parts of the world used to visit Kashmir through different routes. Kashmir was a commercial hub and a junction but after 1947 Kashmir has been cut off from the rest of the world. How unfortunate it is that when entire world is progressing and it has been turned into a global village, people of Kashmir have only one road which connects them with rest of the world.
History stands testimony to the fact that Kashmiris are the most hospitable people and they give lot of respect to their guests. Some people are of the opinion that once tourists get over the fear psychosis Kashmir has got the potential of becoming a top tourist destination. Many people don’t want that to happen. Some believe that it can make Kashmiris economically stronger. They fear that if Kashmiris become financially strong they can pose a bigger threat and can turn the tables. Poor Kashmir can never be threat as for any poor nation hand to mouth survival is the first priority. No one can predict the future but one thing is for sure that no Kashmiri would ever harm a tourist or an outsider. Had that not been a fact hundreds of non local labourers would not have stayed put in Kashmir despite adverse conditions. Kashmir separatists leaders have quite often reiterated that people of Kashmir are not against any religion or the people of India and anyone can come here without any fear.
