You are the greatest gift of the Creator to his creation


Today when some lucky souls will be busy designing the day with special love for their most intimate creators, my brain is getting hammered by my thoughts just in preparing the manuscript of the meaning of the word “Mother”. I always try to cultivate shorthand to render the several meanings of this word in simplicity but this practice has often swelled my pages.
Mother­­- the only darling creation of the almighty, and nobody of course can stand more in need of her than a child and especially - a daughter. I could recall that whenever I used to have doubtful tastes, her order of ideas, their suddenness and relevance always was true to life. Her eyes always used to give a dose of assurance even in the lost hopes.
Now than a decade has passed since you left, my mom but your dearth in my life has increased in leaps and bounds. Your mere presence would have been sufficient enough to bear some part of my emotional burden which sometimes becomes too heavy for my one pair of shoulders. Your absence adds to the darkening in the passage of my life and leaves my wit wandering around the bushes of uncertainty. I always get mortified with the same intensity which I felt a decade before, when you left and it carries only wine to my wound.
However, life’s certain obligations tried to bring in, a form of your replica and I also tried to be true to that-but in no time suspicions started crossing my brains and my honest actions got restrained by the appearance and figure of this illusion. It had such an awkward impression to my mind that I started guarding my own reliable sensibility. My good sense and good education got forced to be doubted by my trusted own self. It was a world of pains. But, I can claim that your presence would not have made my heart so torpid and my picture so miserable in the times of pain. At times I also feel a pain of sheepish inferiority for your absence.
I fear in this interval of life that I may become a prey to more sorrows as you being not around to protect. I perceive my heart to be locked up and scarce feel any sensation. I cry for the powers of nature which stir my thoughts with pity , when I imagine how your soul could have taken me in her arms of trust. I miss that unmatched look of kindness.
I try hard to let my thoughts fly to the places where I attempt their deliverance but now I know they can never get that affectionate and tender awakening again which your mere presence could have created. I miss that flow of your systematic reasoning in every word as if you had a key for my every lock. I miss that safest web of your kindness made of soft threads of love and desires which never used to entangle.
In every attempt of recalling the reasons behind my miseries, my weakness starts insulting my wisdom as I have a lot in treasure which you had given me my mom but I too burst in to tears, knowing how much more you could have given me.
O’ supreme power you know all fates, all grave and quite happenings, all wishes, and all evils then why I am left wondering even when my compromises were no less than a mountain? Why my soul only seems to be the thirstiest one in the sandiest desserts of the world. Though I know the great works of nature and have nothing to say but this nothing just desires to communicate that my Mom’s presence would have made the unobserved and dark corners of my heart loud enough even if unspoken- I miss you my Mom.

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